Hope@Home – April 29, 2020



Welcome back to the Hope@Home blog! Today let's hear from Jeremy Napier, this devotional is such a good reminder that our God is faithful in these times.

UNITED PRAYER: Building one another up

Let's pray today that we would build one another up. Whoever you may be connecting with during this season, let's encourage one another and have a gracious spirit. Church let us live in a way that helps build others up in their faith. Who can you reach out to right now and encourage? Do that!

FAMILY RESOURCES: Family Activities That You Can Do Near & Far

1) Pray for a part of the world together as a family, and then choose to cook a dish from that country! A fun way to pick a random country is to go through your clothing tags and see where they came from and pray for that country. You can also look up interesting facts about that country online. Try and learn their greeting or a funny phrase in their language. Another option is to cook a meal or dessert for one of your neighbors and deliver it with an encouraging note attached!

2) Try painting together as a family and ask each other to paint how you are feeling. Choose a wide range of colors that can help kids to express their emotions. (You can even finger paint if you aren't able to find brushes!) After everyone is finished go around explaining why you chose the colors you did or give each person a chance to share what they painted. 

3) Write a letter to someone to encourage them during this time. Do you have people that you are thinking about that you are separated from during this? Write them and let them know what you have been enjoying lately or doing as a family. Share what you are thankful for. Ask them questions, and remind them you care for them. Walk to the mailbox together to send your letter off!

4) Share stories with ones that you love. There is ample time to sit together, and simply listen and laugh. This is a great time to ask each other what some favorite moments are that you've shared together. Ask what was the funniest moment of their life. Share with one another and deeply enjoy the time you all have together. (You can do this via Zoom or FaceTime too!)


Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5 ESV

Meditate on this verse this week, and join us as we continue our Blessings In Disguise series this weekend!