Hope@Home – April 8, 2020


Hope Chapel Family, we're excited to offer all of our Easter Weekend services online this year! Join us for Good Friday at 7pm, and two Easter services on Sunday at 8:30am and 10:30am. We'll be taking communion together on Good Friday, make sure to check care.hopechapelmaui.com for instructions on how to prepare for that as a family at home. Invite a friend or watch with your 'Ohana Group-watch on our Care page or join the conversation on Facebook Live. Looking forward to seeing you there!


Check out Kyle's devotional part one! Come back tomorrow to hear the second part.


Let's pray for our youth right now during this quarantine. Without the distractions that pervaded life just a few short weeks ago, now is a great time for families to come together and grow closer with intentional time together. But, the stress of constantly being together can strain relationships within families as well. Be on the lookout for unresolved conflict, and keep accounts short with one another. Take time to listen and understand. Be prayerful as you listen, and ask the Holy Spirit in the moment for how you can minister, care, and love the one in front of you. Let’s pray that our youth will realize the gift that this time with their family is, and not be distracted by isolating themselves online, or in other forms. And for parents as well- that they would see this as a time to invest in their children and take relationships to a deeper level. We need to pray, church!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 6:5-7


Check out these articles from Focus on the Family’s site, pluggedin.com, that share some amazing family friendly movies and shows on various different streaming services. We hope that these can be a source of encouragement, and that they may even open up deeper conversations about who God is! These suggestions all include ratings, so make sure to use your best discernment as a family- not all of them are G or PG on this list.



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